Max Knowles gets you Busy with Growing Network

Growing a network virtually has no limits. It is a business of infinite possibilities. You get a percentage on every new reference or inclusion in your connections. However, maintaining a network of people has its own set of challenges. Human emotions tend to complicate if there is a gap between expectations and reality. A team head must know how to bridge this space.

Start from the beginning

Finding right people is the key to set up connections. Backstabbers and slackers must have no entry in your circuit. Trust on basic psychological intuitions when you interview someone. Marketing has to be largely intuitive to reap the rewards of success. You have to gauge even the unsaid needs of customers to provide them with just what they want. It takes some experience to read vibes correctly, but you get there eventually.

The first impression is most important. Marketing attitudes need superb enthusiasm and smartness. You are the brand image that customers trust. Max Knowles helps you to finetune your interpretation skills to understand market vibes. It is vital to read into demands in order to prepare the supply network.

Understanding human emotions

Marketing intricately relates with aligning with the emotions of people. Especially in network marketing, where you have connections to take care, the emotional understanding plays a big part. You need to make sure that the independent representatives working in your group are truly happy in the financial and mental rewards of the job. Arrange group meetings and community get-together events. SVP Max Knowles makes sure there are no complaints in the participation of business.

The leader must not let egoistic judgment blind him in assessing the potential of the representatives. However, one must be careful as well to not be careless on neglecting the emotional understanding of marketing. There is a fine balance between being judgmental and over-trusting. The group leader must be able to retain his position in this middle space.

Keeping up with network progress

Success in marketing depends on the collective progress of the network. You have to have an open eye on backlogs and the issues that hold back growth. Besides ensuring the inventory is in order, the marketer has to assign responsibilities to the right people. A Senior Vice President has to rely on the feedbacks on the Vice President. The Vice President has to depend on the area manager.

The area manager must make sure the team leader has everything in order. All points of interaction connect with each other, and one must be attentive to see the business runs smoothly. Even the smallest of compatibility problems can escalate to a big issue.

Setting up groups

Network marketing has to be a collective effort. People need to work in groups. Whenever there is a group, there is also the possibility of egoistic conflicts. Inter-personal compatibility is a major issue, and any discrepancies to that can directly damage the ultimate purpose of success. There has to be a leader who is capable of toughening up situations whenever necessary to show incompatible elements their right place.


Max Knowles explaining Convincing Secrets to Success

The secret to marketing success is in convincing your customers. This does not come easily because people are wary about spending their money in the right places. You have to prove that you are the right person to trust with the best solutions. Find the best ways to tell your customers how you care for them. At the same time, maintain connections of communications with your team members.

Balancing both aspects ensure your customer gets such a fabulous experience that he/she propactively connects with you for finding solutions. You need to follow up with certain vital parameters. It is critical to look into all conditions of introducing a product into a highly competitive market. Check out the following insider tips from Max Knowles on how to make your product create a deeper impression than your competitors do.

Making it glitzy


An attractive marketing campaign always works wonders. However, setting an attractive campaign is never easy in a competitive scenario. You have to be a good interpreter of customer psychology. It is critical to get into the psychological aspect of selling a product. In fact, it is always the core idea to understand the psychology on why someone is looking for a certain solution in the market. Look up the following section on how to know your customers well. Once you have an outline of the psychological parameters, build a super campaign on working those parameters into reality.


Interpreting market psychology


Understanding market psychology is vital. You must be able to employ your full resources for the purpose. Utilize social media heavily. However, it is vital to see you do not overlook the obvious. You need to know what works and what does not. You cannot force a product that has a bad reputation in customer reviews. In such circumstances, you must make the right measures into adapting your strategies to the popular mood. You can swing the mood positively in your favor, but before that, you need to blend into in. Put yourself in the shoes of your customers to understand what grows and what does not.


Incorporating genuine feedbacks


Introducing the genuine feedbacks into your product promotions is vital. Sometimes, you get bad feedbacks and good ones at other times. Take both into your stride and change the bad ones into good. You need to plan effective strategies to achieve the purpose. The FREE method works perfectly sometimes. When you have a product that does not sell, make it available freely with one that does sell, but arrange the advantages in a proper way. In other words, you need to recover the losses from providing a free product. This only needs its adjustment with another item that can accommodate the extra.

Convince your customers that you are the go-to service when it comes to getting what they need. Always expand your communications base effectively. You must mainatin regular contacts with your clients and customers alike. Develop your inventory rightly in keeping track with the trending market conditions. Go all-round on reaching out to your customers so that they feel being cared.


Raising the Bar of Reaching Out With Max Knowles

Reaching out to the market vacuum is vital to participating in fulfilling it. New business requirements create themselves according to the needs of the market at all times. A company should have a direct reach out to the market pulse in real time. Max Knowles successfully achieves this by retaining a vibrant brand image.

You can also pursue your objectives with conviction if you can relate well to your network. Your presence in the network must prove to be beneficial to interconnected parties. Your services should be applauded by customers, generating amazing positive feedback.

Genuine customer testimonials serve as perfect resources to inspire trust in new inquiries. Your company should be able to pay consistent attention to quality delivery, thereby meeting the best standards of your segment.

Innovate to provide newness

Companies need to innovate to foster newness in their brand appeal. Customers must feel they are getting better service over your competitors, even when your niche may work on uniform standards of technology. Essentially, your marketing approach should make all the difference between heady success and lagging behind.

Your approach should be upbeat and encouraging. People must feel the urge to try out your products/services. Innovation need not always be technical. It can be in anything! You can be innovative in the way you promote your brand on social media. Marketers have to be creative in interpreting the market dynamics and express understanding in an approachable way.

Set top standards

Your enterprise must self-make itself. If you set the highest standards, you can reach them eventually. However, setting up a vision requires paying careful attention to the practical aspects of the market. If the demand for a particular type of product is down, there is no point investing a lot to promote it.

The ROI anticipation should be accurate and data-dependent. Find existing patterns with careful analysis of the available data.

Identify your current position in the pattern. You can have a clear idea on making the right decisions to proceed. Consider the realistic aspects, such as inventory status and available funding. Set a string of achievable short-term goals leading to a final long-term objective.

Incorporating flexibility in your execution

Your plans should not be watertight; there must be the flexibility of adaptation. This is vital because market conditions can undergo abrupt changes. The circumstances at the time of setting the plan may change drastically, owing to a new economic policy for example! Your business system must be ready to evolve constantly, and keep up with the evolving requirements.

Businesses must maintain a clear view on how the markets are faring. You need to analyze social media statistics and other avenues of data collection to decide whether a change in campaign policies is necessary.

Reach out with the purpose of mutual benefit. You need to fulfill diverse business obligations at all levels. Finally, your service should be impeccable! Encourage associates by surprise rewards and appreciation. Spontaneous participation of everyone in the network is vital to setting up the dynasty. This tested reach-out strategy can help immensely in rising rapidly in the success curve.


The  American Communications Network, or ACN, is the brainchild of four entrepreneurs:   Greg Provenzano, Robert Stevanovski, Tony Cupisz and Mike Cupisz. They founded the company in 1993 and have never looked back since. They have watched their initial vision skyrocket into a very successful company.

Max Knowles

Max Knowles and team mate

Although the ACN model is based on a multi-level marketing business, there are so many things that set the company apart from numerous others, namely their commitment to integrity and honesty. They do their utmost to ensure that their company and all of its IBOs (Independent Business Owners) are as committed to integrity as they are, adhere to only the highest of ethical standards, and perform as per a marketing plan which abides by all laws governing consumer protection even though the IBOs are operating their businesses from their own homes.

Among the most successful individuals within ACN is Max Knowles who started with the company when he was a college freshman, with no prior work experience, and is now the SVP (Senior Vice President). Ever so enthusiastic about ACN, Max Knowles is all set to expand the business to Latin America and help many others be as successful as he is.

What are the 10 Core Commitments to Achieving Success?

In the Multi-Level Marketing business, it is important to be committed to achieving success. ACN, Inc. has a motto of “One world, one vision,” and once you join the company, you should have that determination to be successful. Otherwise, all your efforts in joining the multi-million dollar company will be for naught.


10 Core Commitments to Achieving Success


In one of his talks under the Dynasty International YouTube channel, Max Knowles talks about the ten core commitments to achieving success. Max Knowles is a Senior Vice President and Circle of Champion for ACN, Inc. In the video, he enumerated the ten core commitments to achieving success,  which we will talk more about here.


Basically, the ten core commitments in order to achieve superlative success in the MLM business are:

  1. Having that burning desire to achieve success in the first place. This serves as a fuel for the next steps that you will take to become the best in the business.
  2. Being committed to achieving. This applies to all fields of work, even if you are not in the MLM industry.
  3.  Having that vision to live the good life, excelling as a leader and achieving all your goals in life and business.
  4. Not having any excuses. If your excuse is that you don’t have the time to learn more about MLM or ACN, Inc., make time for it.
  5. Having an excellent work ethic. Again, this is something that applies to the workplace, no matter which industry it is that you’re in.
  6. Knowing how to manage your time. It takes a lot of effort and hard work to reach the top, so make sure that you know how to divide your time and not simply look busy without actually achieving anything.
  7. Acquiring ACN, Inc. knowledge and skills. Since ACN, Inc. is the company that you are working for, you naturally need to learn as much as you can about it.
  8. Persistence. This is in line with your determination and burning desire to grab the opportunities that come your way.
  9. Being focused on production. If you know that something is not worth your time and will not yield positive results, don’t do it. Focus your time, energy and attention on the things that will work towards your goals achievement.
  10. Finally, attend all events. Knowles stresses the importance of physical presence,  because merely showing up already gives you the edge over another individual who fails in this department.


All in all, if you would like to achieve the ultimate success in MLM, join ACN, Inc. and follow these tips so that you can grab every opportunity and be on the top of your game.